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Two Steps Forward, One Step Back - Phil Straw

Written by Philip Straw

Blog - Innovation in Medical Engineering

My project

My PhD project involves developing enhanced simulation methods for the in vitro assessment of early stage knee interventions. The aim is to recreate the physiological environment these interventions will experience when implanted into a living person. The initial focus of my research has been to develop simulations which replicate common pathological conditions which occur within the knee joint. Thus far, this has included investigation into the feasibility of a ligament injury model and the current focus is how different lubricants influence the wear/damage/deformation within a natural knee joint.

How’s it gone so far?

I recently completed the taught Masters aspect of the course and I am currently three months into the second year of my project; thus far my PhD journey has taken the “two steps forward, one step back” route. New information and unexpected results regularly alter the course of the project and morph it into something slightly different. This experience has taught me not to plan day-to-day activities more than a week or two in advance, especially for lab work; as the current weeks work often influences the next and activities regularly take longer than predicted.

Being part of the CDT has enabled me to experience the development and delivery of healthcare solutions from different perspectives. Whether it be observing surgical procedures, interacting with patients during public engagement sessions or developing a product during innovation modules; having a well-rounded understanding of the situation has allowed me to be more confident when making decisions during my research.

What’s next?

In the future I am looking forward to generating some meaningful results, sooner rather than later, and having the opportunity to present this work at conferences (hopefully somewhere nice!).
